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Eureka Express Editor



The Eureka Express is funded by advertising and donations. Without the support of both advertisements and donations the Eureka Express would not continue to function. The Eureka Express committee thanks both the people who advertise and the generous folk who make donations.

Readers please make sure that you let the advertisers know that you have found them through their advert in the Eureka Express so they know their money is well spent.

Advert Rate per Month Rate per Year (10 insertions)
Classified Adverts Free Free
Small Business Adverts $10 $80
One Third Page Adverts $15 $120
One Half Page Adverts $20 $160


If you would like to place an advert in the Eureka Express, please contact the editor:



If you wish to make a donation this can be made either through the box at Eureka Motors or directly into the Eureka Express bank account:

Westpac 03-1559-0042660-00 and in your bank reference please put the word 'donation'. Thank you.